8/1/2019 · Configurable buttons, chats. Everything in one place.
5/13/2019 · Download WhatsApp for Trillian
Nov 27, 2019
Now when you open the Plugins dialog in Pidgin or Finch, the plugin should show. WhatsApp (purple-gowhatsapp), Go, WhatsApp IM protocol.
If you want your plugin to be on the upcoming in-settings plugin list, please send an email to. include trillian please and whatsapp messenger.
Trillian is a multi-platform chat client application. Other notable plugins are Trillian Chat (ASCII art), Trillian Chat with Unread Count and Trillian Chat with Countdown Timer. Trillian also has some plugins for Web Based Instant Messenger (WB-IM) and Trillian Chat with YouTube..
Oct 27, 2019
Is there by any possibility a plugin which allows to use Whatsapp inside Trillian? This would be really dope! I (and probably many others) .
We will be updating all those plugins on our github in the near future. The recent release includes the Go plugin.
Trillian is a multi-platform chat client application. Other notable plugins are Trillian Chat (ASCII art), Trillian Chat with Unread Count and Trillian Chat with Countdown Timer. Trillian also has some plugins for Web Based Instant Messenger (WB-IM) and Trillian Chat with YouTube..
Trillian is a multi-platform chat client application. Other notable plugins are Trillian Chat (ASCII art), Trillian Chat with Unread Count and Trillian Chat with Countdown Timer. Trillian also has some plugins for Web Based Instant Messenger (WB-IM) and Trillian Chat with YouTube..
Find out how to install and use these plugins on the Trillian website.
Dec 17, 2016
Download WhatsApp for Trillian
5/13/2019 · Configurable buttons, chats. Everything in one place.
Download WhatsApp for Trillian.
Download WhatsApp.
Oct 27, 2019
Is there by any possibility a plugin which allows to use Whatsapp inside Trillian? This would be really dope! I (and probably many others) .
We will be updating all those plugins on our github in the near future. The recent release includes the Go plugin.
Trillian is a multi-platform chat client application. Other notable plugins are Trillian Chat (ASCII art), be359ba680
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